Home-made Curry Paste
Video Recipe
Looking for ways to prep meal for the week? Then this is your go to recipe to creating a masala paste that will make cooking so much easier. With this masala paste you can cook, meat curry, chicken curry, fish curry, dhal, vegetable dishes, put on grilled meat or anything else you can think of.
Having this paste will not only save time, but it's so much better than the paste bought form the shops as it's fresh and full of flavour.
When you cook with this paste you can add more spices and heat according to your taste. But having this paste to hand means no more chopping onions, garlic and ginger on a daily basis.
It's such a life saver for busy mums who do not want to spend all day in the kitchen.
Check out my other recipes where I have used this paste, and cooking is such an easy task.