One-Pot Roast Chicken and Biryani Dish
Video Recipe One-Pot Roast Chicken and Biryani Dish At times like this I am not in a mood to create food that's too lavish or...

Chicken Tikka Massala Curry
When you have a family that is accustomed to unique tastes and flavours, a simple chicken curry isn't enough. So I made this creamy and...

Creamy Tom Yum Soup
Recently I blogged about tom yum soup I had in Bangkok without knowing what it was. And recently I had one with a very similar taste in...

Thai Cookery Class
Our Thai Cookery Classes are very popular. You will learn to make the Thai green curry paste from scratch. Our menu consisted of, Steamed...

Khatun's Kitchen Cookery Club
Thai Cooking Class - Malaysian Cooking Class - Indian Cooking Class - Fruit Carving Workshop - Teens Cupcake Class - Teens Frushi Class -...

For more details on our classes subscribe to our newsletter on www.fruitima.com

My simple sausage and mash for dinner. I went shopping in Asda and saw these lovely halal sausages. It was calling out to me "Sausage and...

Keema/Mince Samosa Filling
Let's Talk about Samosa Filling How do you like yours? Currified or mild? I like my samosa Keema to be a little moist and not over...

Watch Nasima On Channel 4 - Kirstie's Handmade Christmas
Rendezvous with Rudolph and Santa When I received the phone call from the producers of Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas, I was absolutely...

Freddy Krueger in the House! You won't believe what happened to me last night. I woke up 5am to get a glass of water. Went into the...